Synthesis and Antidepressant activity of pyrazoline based MAO-inhibitors

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Badavath, V. N.; Kumar, A.; Jadav, S. S.; Pattnaik, A. K.; Jayaprakash, V.; Sinha, B. N. Synthesis and Antidepressant Activity of Pyrazoline Based MAO-Inhibitors. J Pharm Chem 2016, 3 (1), 1-3.


A series of nine 3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-5-aryl-N-phenyl-4,5-dihydropyrazole-1-carbothioamide derivative s (3a-3i) that were earlier reported as potent rMAO-A inhibitors were evaluated for their antidepressant activity in Porsolt's behavioral despair test (forced swim test) and Tail Suspension test activity, among them, compounds (3e and 3h) were found to have potent antidepressant activity. Reduction in duration of immobility was significant for all the compounds in Porsolts swim test compared with tail suspension test. 3h was further evaluated for anxiolytic activity in Elevated plus maze and was found to be devoid of it.


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