Nanotechnology is revolutionizing global industrial output and pharmaceutical industry is showing immense interest in nanoproducts owing to the emerging era of infectious diseases. The global nanotechnology healthcare market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 11.9% in the period ranging from 2020 to 2026 and is estimated to reach USD 461, 252 million by 2026. The sole share of this segment will ensure a technological leap in the future of pharmaceutical R&D sector. The ongoing pandemic has showed us the grave intensity of how vicious an infectious disease can get if arrived unannounced. The level of socio-economic impact that is being witnessed due to the Covid-19 pandemic is beyond imagination and forces us to think towards the development of versatile platforms that can help combat any such unknown disease in the future. This implies not only to the therapeutic platforms but also towards the diagnostic and prophylactic areas. Considering the importance and need of research in these areas, we at VBP Research Group have put our best foot forward and have developed technologies encompassing novel nanotechnology-based strategies pertaining to the diagnosis, prophylaxis as well as therapy of infectious diseases. The presentation will comprise a discussion of the case studies pertaining to the diagnosis of Brucellosis and further development of a green nanotechnology-based vaccine, both being award winning patented ideas. Our patented antimalarial platform based on nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) will be discussed in depth. The presentation will give an overview of the need for research in nanotechnology in the healthcare sector in today’s times and will pave way for a generation of many new ideas to take this research in the right direction.

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