Nanotechnology has been recognized as one of the sprouting inter-disciplinary research fields. Silver nanoparticle (AgNP) has gained increased attention due to their unique properties and multifaceted applications. The development of resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is becoming an area of concern which has led to renewed interests in investigating the potency of AgNP. Green chemistry utilizes the plant material for the synthesis of nanoparticles, mitigates the complications associated with physical and chemical methods of synthesis of the same. This study was aimed to fabricate green synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNP) using leaves of Clerodendrum glandulosum Lindl. as a reducing and stabilizing agent. Further, its antimicrobial and antioxidant activity was evaluated. 1 mM of silver nitrate solution in 240 mL of Millipore water was prepared, and 8 mL of plant extract was added to it. The pH of the reaction mixture was adjusted to 10. It was then placed on a magnetic stirrer at 700 rpm for 30 min. Color change from pale yellow to dark-brown was observed, which indicated the formation of the nanoparticle. The synthesized nanoparticle was centrifuged and washed three times, and the nanoparticle was collected. The preliminary characterization was done by UV-visible spectroscopy. The synthesized nanoparticle was also characterized by Dynamic light scattering (DLS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), and Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The antimicrobial activity was performed against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria (S. aureus and E. coli), respectively. DPPH & ABTS assay was performed for evaluation of the antioxidant activity. The SPR region of 460 nm was obtained, and other characterizations were done, which confirmed the formation of Clerodendrumglan dulosum Lindl. reduced Silver nanoparticle (CgAgNP). Zone of inhibition, MIC & MBC was observed against S. aureus and E. coli. The synthesized nanoparticle exhibited excellent antibacterial and antioxidant activity. Hereby a novel approach for green synthesis of AgNP by utilizing C. glandulosum Lindl. is reported. Green synthesis is environment-friendly, economical, and a viable substitute for chemical and physical procedures. Plant-based silver nanoparticle shows excellent biological activities so, it can be utilized for various therapeutic actions and site-targeted treatments.

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